Have a question about Wraparound Childcare? Ask the team directly
Sign up now to join a Q&A session on WAC.
Have a question about the new process? Not sure if you are eligible? Are you registered but have a query? Unsure about Tax-Free Childcare?
Don’t miss your opportunity to speak directly with the WAC team.
Join one of the virtual Q&A sessions for Service personnel and their families to get your questions answered.
* Thursday 18 April at 11.30AM
Book your space now. Complete the MS Form to receive a link to the Q&A session.
What is WAC?
If you have a child aged between 4 and 11 (4-16 if in receipt of disability benefits), on average, your family could save up to £3,400 per child, per year on before and after school care.
Over 10,500 Service children’s childcare is currently being supported by Wraparound Childcare funding.
What can you do if you are the non-Serving parent?
* Attend a Q&A session with the WAC team and ask your questions.
* If your Service partner is deployed, make sure that you pay for childcare via your children’s Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) accounts so that if eligible, they can submit the claims once registered, on their return.
Where to find further information
If you think your family may be eligible, you can find more information and FAQs on the Discover My Benefits Army, RAF, Navy or Marines webpage (www), or the HIVEs, RN FPS and Families Federations information sites.
Service personnel can also access FAQs and more information on the Defence Childcare Information Page on defnet or Defence Connect
If you have any further questions, you can email the WAC team at PEOPLE-AFFS-WAC-FRO-mailbox@mod.gov.uk