The 2024 Reserves Continuous Attitudes Survey (ResCAS24) is now open for completion until Tuesday April 2nd 2024.
Reservists continue to make an impressive contribution to Defence outputs. Last year, ResCAS results revealed that:
* 75% of Volunteer Reserves were satisfied with life in the Reserves in general
* 92% felt proud to be in the Reserves
* 83% would recommend joining the Reserves to others
What is RESCAS?
ResCAS is MOD’s annual survey asking for Reservists’ views of life in the Reserves. The survey is used by the Service Chiefs and the Chief of Defence People to gain an insight into Volunteer Reservists’ opinions of service and influence areas of change and focus.
Who should complete it?
If you have been selected to participate in this year’s ResCAS, you will have received a paper copy of the questionnaire, an email invitation, or a postcard giving you a link to the online version.
Why complete it?
The results of the survey are used by the MOD to understand how you, as a Reservists, feel about your experiences, and to help shape the policies that support and enable your service. This includes providing improved support and training. This year we are also seeking views on how change is managed by your team, unit and Service.
Your views as a Reservist matter to us and we will work to focus effort on areas of concern you identify in the survey. While some of the changes will take time to resolve, we remain committed to improve the service and make the Reserves an excellent survey. If you are invited to complete ResCAS 2024, please do take time out to tell us how things look from where you are – it really does make a difference to what we do!
Please take the time to provide feedback and tell us how things look from where you are. The more responses we have, the clearer the picture MOD has of your experience.
Army Reserves
ResCAS is open to selected volunteer Reservists who should have already received or will be receiving a paper copy of the survey and an email with a link to the online version. Participants can also access the survey online at Army RESCAS 2024 (Your access code/token ID is your SERVICE NUMBER) (
Your token is your Service number and is case sensitive. Personnel should use the Google Chrome web browser to complete the survey.
For questions, contact: Army Occupational Psychology Team
01264 886044
RAF Reserves
The RAF ResCAS is open to RAF Reservists (including Volunteer, Regular and Sponsored Reserves). Participants can access the survey online at RAF Reserves Survey 2024 - Your Token is your Service Number (
Your token is your Service number and is case sensitive. Personnel should use the Google Chrome web browser to complete the survey.
For questions contact: HQ Air Occupational Psychology Team
Skype: +443001565915
Maritime Reserves
ResCAS is open to all volunteer RNR and RMR personnel. Participants can access the survey online at Maritime Reserves Survey 2024 (
Your token is your Service number and is case sensitive. Personnel should use the Google Chrome web browser to complete the survey.
For questions, contact: Navy Research Psychology Team