Applying for Substitute Service Single Accommodation or Substitute Service Family Accommodation
Substitute Service Single Accommodation (SSSA) and Substitute Service Family Accommodation (SSFA) is provided by Mears on behalf of DIO from the private rental market across the UK. The private rental market is currently experiencing shortfalls due to private tenant demand, changes of use of properties for holiday lets and because property owners are selling lettings at a market peak.
Mears’ ability to find housing solutions for single Service personnel and Families is being impacted in certain areas of the UK, such as tourist, rural, and coastal areas. This may lead to waits for housing, widening search areas or requests to accept properties at a reduced scale (smaller size) for SSFA, in line with policy in JSP 464.
To assist Mears with housing allocation it is important Service personnel apply for accommodation as soon as possible after receiving their Assignment Order (AO) and keep up to date with their applications.
Applying for SSSA
Service personnel requiring SSSA are requested to submit E1154s to their receiving/administrative unit a minimum of 27 working days prior to their assignment date or on receipt of the AO. This is to ensure that the processing officers have notice to complete the E1154 before emailing to DIO Substitute Accommodation Team (SAT). The E1154 form can be found on the Substitute Service Accommodation page on Defnet and instructions of use are on the first page.
Where a job role is currently providing a working from home solution, it is requested that SSSA applications are approved for Service personnel with no other property to work from and that occupants commit to the 4 night rule as outlined in JSP 464 Vol 2 8.200 - Entitlement.
Applying for SSFA
On receipt of an AO, Service personnel should apply for Service Family Accommodation (SFA) through the E1132 form which can be found here.
If SFA is unavailable in the area of assignment, a Non-Availability Certificate (NAC) will be issued and the E1132 application for SFA will be updated to show the NAC has been approved.
Once this NAC has been accepted, DIO SAT will process the information from the application to Mears for the sourcing of SSFA accommodation.