Annington Homes Ltd External Estate Valuations
The MOD leases the majority of its housing stock from Annington Homes Ltd (AHL). Most years, AHL survey the housing stock for accounting reasons and this year they have appointed CBRE to undertake these surveys on their behalf.
CBRE plans to start its valuations from 18 January 2021 and, as a result, SFA occupants may see surveyors on the estates
This year only external ‘drive-by’ valuations will take place and surveyors will not require access to any property, internally or externally. They may take photographs but have strict protocols in place to ensure no personal information is recorded, including vehicle registration details. All CBRE surveyors will have the necessary forms of identification.
DIO is reassuring occupants that the valuations are solely for accounting purposes and are not related to accommodation charges -which are determined independently by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body - or to SFA being identified for potential hand back to AHL. Heads of Establishment and Chain of Command have been made aware of these surveys.